Dog & Cat Care
Keep your cat or dog healthy.
Animal Hospital North offers preventive care and services for kittens, puppies, cats, and dogs. The cornerstone of the veterinary visit is the exam. Unfortunately, our pets can’t tell us when they are feeling uncomfortable or in pain. The “head to toe” exam by the doctor will help uncover hidden causes of discomfort or signs of illness that may have gone unnoticed. When your pet presents for his annual or semiannual health check, he/she be will given a complete examination by the veterinarian.
Exams allow our veterinarians to detect problems and diseases that might go undiscovered otherwise, a typical exam includes distant observation of the pet, examining the eyes, ears, mouth, neck, bones and joints, abdomen, and skin and coat.
Learn more about our Cat & Dog Care Services:

Preventive Care for Dogs
Commit to a lifetime of health.
Preventive Care for Cats
Help your cat live a longer, happier life.
Puppy & Kitten Care
Give your new pet the best start in life.
Senior Pet Care
How your pet's needs change.